Friday, September 1, 2017

Romantic Comedy: Extra Side of Love


AVA gets into her car and puts on her seat belt. BRIAN gets into his car and puts on his seat belt. They both roll down their windows.


I love you babe!

BRIAN puts his car into drive and starts to drive away.


I love you...more!

BRIAN slams on the brakes, puts it in reverse, parks the car and sticks his head out the window.


What the eff did you just say?


I said I love you, more!


That's bullshit and you know it!

BRIAN aggressively takes off his seat belt, gets out of the car and slams the door. AVA does the same.


My love for you is like a grilled cheese sandwich with crispy bacon inside of it!


Pfft. My love for you is like a double decker grilled cheese with bacon inside of it!


My love for you is like a triple decker grilled cheese with bacon inside of it, and extra bacon on the side!


Mmmm! My love for you is like a triple decker grilled cheese with bacon inside of it, and bacon on the side. But get this, there's no bread...the bacon is the bread!


Yum! My love for you is like all of that shit you just said, but with a side of cheese fries with bacon sprinkled on top...and the whole thing is deep fried.



Oh my God...That's a heart attack.


Yeah...I know...I would die for you.

I would die for you too.

Let's die together, but, when we're old.

Like The Notebook.

Exactly like The Notebook.

AVA and BRIAN embrace each other.


Let's call out of work.


I'm never going to work again.

They kiss and go inside their house.

I'm glad you didn't go with the quadruple grilled cheese. Because that would have been impractical.


Thursday, July 20, 2017

P Vision

        So, I was standing at the urinal. This guy walks up and stands at the urinal next to me. Now, just know that I didn’t look at his junk. However, my peripheral vision was really on point. So, I unintentionally got a glimpse. And all I wanted to say to the guy was, “Good for you.” But, yeah, I did. I did it, I said, “Good for you.” And he was like, “Fuck did you just say?” That’s right. Mmm hmm. He left out the “what” and “the” and jumped straight to “fuck”. So, I thought to myself, “Good question. What did I just say?” And then I was like, “Oh yeah. I said, good for you.” He was like, “Are you trying to get your ass kicked?” It was then that I realized, maybe, just maybe I left the oven on, and also, that I might have pissed this guy off. Then, right off the cuff, I made a joke in my head which was, “Ain’t nothing like getting pissed off at a urinal.” And I laughed. The guy was like, “That’s a dumb joke.” You see, he heard me, because I accidentally said it out loud. I scrambled to think of a way to save myself. Then, I remembered I saw a ring on his finger and I said, “I think we’re having a classic misunderstanding. I noticed your wedding ring. And that’s why I said, “Good for you.” It's not easy finding “the one”. You’re a lucky guy. That’s all.” And he said, “I’m not married...That’s actually my cock ring.” I said, “Oh...well, so it is. I'm going to blame that on my peripheral vision. Do you know any good optometrists?”

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Thinkpad June 14, 2017

1. It's unsettling when you have to take an Active Shooter class. But, it's even more unsettling when the instructor tells you, "A pen is a good weapon. And if it comes down to it, stab the shooter in his jugular." What!? Sheeeeit, I ain't Jason mutha fuckin' Bourne, mutha fucka. I think I'd be better off writing him a letter. "Dear Shooter. What can I say? Ummm, please don't shoot me.'s it going? How's work been treatin' ya? It's almost lunch time. Ever eat at Taco Bell? Their Cheesy Gordita Crunch is bangin'. Shit, I didn't mean to say bangin'. It's so bomb though. Fuck. I mean, it's very appetizing." At any rate, if anything ever happens...I'll be ready.

2. In the early years of photography, people generally didn't smile--which made for very somber photographs. Some say people didn't smile because of poor dental hygiene. But, some believe that people didn't smile because of long exposure rates on the cameras which made people reluctant to hold a smile for a long time. Man, can you imagine how sad a dick pic would have looked back then. Very somber. Very somber indeed. This is the reaction of a guy who got his dick pics developed back in the day.

3. At some point, somewhere, a kid had a problem with eating clothes. "Billy's always chewing through his t-shirts," they would say. So, to help out, the town confectioner created cotton...candy. Then one day someone said, "Damn, Billy. Quit eating your shoe laces." So, the town confectioner created shoe strings made out of licorice. And then, one day, the mayor shouted, "All of the townswomen are missing their...underwear. Where the hell is Billy?" Then the town confectioner exclaimed, "There's no fucking way I'm making edible panties!" But, as you know...he sure as shit did.

4. People hate to admit when they're getting older. I don't mind getting older. However, I do hate when I realize that I'm turning into my father. I hope it never gets as bad as this one incident. One day my dad meant to yell out for me, but he said, "Sean! No! Robert! Shit! Erin! Ah! Seamus! No! Ryan!" Sean, Robert, and Erin are my siblings. Seamus is the dog. My dad called out the dog's name before mine. That's fucked up.

5. I'm not racist, but...I was standing at a concession stand and in front of me stood an African-American man and his son who was probably like 7 years old (also African American). They ordered. The little boy got ice cream on a cone. Then he proceeded to sing the ice cream song. You know the one, "I scream. You scream..." Well, he sang, "I scream. You scream...We all yell for soft serve." Ummmm, what? I guess it's safe to say, he'll never be a rapper. The kid can't even finish a simple rhyme. Yikes.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Thinkpad June 8, 2017

1. Those Matthew McConaughey Lincoln commercials are pretty ridiculous. But, now he thinks he can just chill in the back seat. Which begs the question, "Who the fuck is driving the car!?"

2. The other day someone asked me, "Whatchu 'bout to eat?" I said, "I'm about to eat a cheese stick." He was like, "You're going to eat a cheese dick?" And I said, "No. I said cheese dick. Shit!" He had me convinced that I was about to eat a cheese dick. "That's it, I'm switching to Babybel."

3. One time I was watching people run in a marathon. Then I thought to myself, "This would be so much more interesting if they were all wearing clown shoes."

4. Post-it Notes come in handy when you have to label your...Post-it Notes.

5. When you're wealthy, you drink fine wine with your girl at a fancy art gallery. When you're poor, you drink Boone's Farm with your girl, beside the railroad tracks and wait for a train to go by.

I wonder what this artist is trying to say here?

It's graffiti. It literally says what it's trying to say. It says Deez Nutz. Don't read too much into it. Now, pass me the bottle.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Legal Pad

I write all of my thoughts and jokes on a legal pad. I just hope no one ever takes legal advice from it. Excerpt from 10/21/2013:

Thought #147: I think it's okay to rob a bank, if you trick the teller into giving you the money.

How can I help you today?

You won't give me all that money behind the counter.

Um......That is correct.

Pfft. Rosalita was right...You are a little bitch.

Rosalita? The branch manager? She said that?

Yup. Are you really surprised?

Rosalita.....She's the little bitch.

Whoa! Hey guy! That's derogatory.

I know. I'm sorry. I just can't believe she said that.


You won't give me all that money behind the counter.

Oh yeah?


TELLER're right.

Pfft. Kenneth was right...You are a pussy vag.

Kenneth? The loan officer? Pussy vag? Pussy vag...that's just redundant.

Does that surprise you? Kenneth has two N's in his name...One would have sufficed.

Very true. Has anyone else said anything about me?

Well, Marybeth thinks you're a slob.

I spilled coffee on my shirt one time!

Stu thinks you're too nice, which inevitably makes you everyone's little bitch. And you don't stick up for yourself which makes you a pussy vag. So, Stu thinks you're a really nice, little bitch, pussy vag.

God damn it!

Oh, and I heard they're going to fire you.

What the fuck!? Who did you hear that from?

I overheard Rosalita telling Stu...who was also telling Kenneth, Marybeth and Chuck.

Who the fuck is Chuck?

Oh, he's the guy that's taking your position.

That's it! I'll show them! Here, take all the money behind the counter! Go! Go! Go!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Appreciation for Self-Deprecation

When I was a kid, I was little...a little bitch. And now, I'm a big bitch. By the way, going from little to big is usually a good thing. For instance, "When I was young, I played little league baseball. I kept at it. And today I'm in the big leagues...When I was young, I had a little dick. And today, it's slightly bigger." But no, it's quite different when it comes to being a bitch. I'm such an easy target because of that fact. That's why I try to beat people to the punch, and make fun of myself first. But, it doesn't always work out.

One day I was outside with a friend, enjoying the fresh air. The sun was beating on my face. I took a deep breath, smiled, and said, "Now, this is what life's about." Then suddenly a bird swooped down and almost hit me. And I shouted, "Ouch!" The bird didn't even touch me. I wasn't even hurt. But, I shouted, "Ouch!" I did one of those moves where you turn, arch your back, and put your hands up like you're afraid to touch something cacky. Side note: Not khaki, as in the color. I have a pair of khaki pants. I'm not afraid to touch them. If I was, I probably wouldn't wear pants to work. Side note deux: If I was ever in the military and I had to go into battle. You bet your ass I'd be running through a field, shouting, "!" So, after I almost got assaulted by a bird (Not the penis type--but, the flying type. And if your penis does have wings and can take flight, then shit, that's fucked up.) So, after I almost got impaled by a bird, I quickly said, "If I was a flower, I'd be a pansy. Ha!" Then my friend said, "Nah...You'd be one of those little flowers on a pussy willow." And I said, "Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeit. Yeah I would." Mothafucka took me out with that horticultural shit.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Childhood Memories

The Truth Hurts:

When I was a kid, I got punched in the nose and nearly bled to death. Okay, maybe I didn't really, nearly bleed, to death. But, I did bleed a lot--like a crazy amount of blood. Anywho, I can't really feel sorry for myself because I sort of deserved it. I talked some serious shit on this kid, and he walked up to me and punched me clean in the schnoz. However, that's not how my older brother remembers it. My older brother says to me, "That's not how I remember it. Here's how it really went down. You talked some serious shit on this kid. He walked up to you. Then he proceeded to do a karate warm-up/exercise, which lasted like 5 minutes, enough time for you to do something, like, step back, put your hands up, or I don't know, run the fuck away? But no, you just stood there...mesmerized by his Kung Fu. Then he punched the shit out of your face." It was kind of ironic, because once again I just stood there, but instead taking verbal abuse this time. Bewildered and frustrated by his recollection, all I could muster up was, " That's not how I remember it!" Then I ran off like a little bitch.

Town Patrol:

When I was a kid, my older brother, two cousins Jenna and AJ and I formed our very own law enforcement called, Kid Cops. We even had our own catch phrase. While riding down the suburban streets on our Huffy's, we'd shout, "Kid Cops motherfucker!" (Sometimes at the most inappropriate moments) For instance, we rode by Mrs. Dutch while she was out in her garden on a beautiful day. Mrs. Dutch said, "Good morning kids!" And we responded with, "Kid Cops motherfucker!" I mean, she had to know who we were and that we were well respected in the community. Sure, we were just kids. But, we were also just cops, doing our job. Some might say we were "pretend cops". But hey, it sure felt real. The truth is though, we didn't do any good in our town. Actually, we just ran amuck and used an obscene amount of profanity--and brought zero joy and not one bit of justice to anyone. The great thing was that we were just kids and we couldn't be held accountable for our actions, legally. Because we were just in elementary school for Christ's sake. We sure did have fun though. Man, those were the days. Kid Cops forever......motherfucker!

Valentine's Day Hangover (Comedy Showcase)

Friday, January 27, 2017

Thinkpad 1/27/2017

1. I think it's okay to brag about being good in the sack. But, I don't think it's okay if you're actually referring to...potato sack racing. That's just something you shouldn't be bragging about. There's probably a guy out there who is an avid potato sack racer. That's the one thing he sort of has going for himself. He's probably at a dinner party just waiting for someone to ask him, "Can you pass the potatoes?"
"Speaking of potatoes..."

2. I've always been a little slow. I've always been behind--like 1 or 2...hundred steps. For example, back in high school my friends were talking about this masseuse that would give you a happy ending if you requested it. One friend said, "That's fucking awesome!" Another friend said, "Sign me up!" And I said, "Yummy!" I pondered, "Hmm, I wonder how she's affiliated with Friendly's." Later that day I went to the masseuse and got a massage. At the end, I asked for a Fribble.

3. Surveys ask you to rate something using a scale from 1 to 10. It's hard to narrow it down to just one number. I think they should go back to basics. "If you were happy with your service, and you know it, clap your hands. If not, then say Womp, Womp, Womp."