There's no easy way to get into the film industry or the television industry. I mean, it would help if I knew someone famous like Tom Hanks or Paul Rudd. But, I don't. So, I'll have to find my own way in.
I devised a plan. It involves breaking into NBC studios in New York City. Sure, one could argue, "They have tours there. So, you don't have to break in (sarcastic as shit)." True. But, did a tourist ever become famous by following someone else's tour? No. I'll follow my own lead thank you very much. But I digress. In order to see this plan through, I'm going to have to draw inspiration from one of my favorite films, Good Will Hunting. Then, I'll have to become well versed in the custodial arts, apply that to my method of acting and be the best Will Hunting I can be; a good Will...a great Will...Hunting.
Once I breach the studio walls I'll have to find a dry erase board, erase whatever nonsense is on there, and proceed to write out my feature length script (titled Great Will Hunting, which I just came up with). Then I'll convincingly wax the floors and wait around for an executive, Tina Fey, Jimmy Fallon or anyone that will read my script (with the exception of another janitor, unless it's Matt Damon). All of sudden someone will walk up to the dry erase board and say, "Who wrote this?..." Then I'll reply, "I..." Then that someone will continue with, "...because they're fired." And I'll follow up with, "...saw a man with a marker run that way...and he looked like Pauly Shore. In fact I'm certain it was Pauly Shore."
So there you have it. And by the way, I would totally throw Pauly Shore under the bus. Because he's never going to catch another break ever again, unless someone reads my amazing script and thinks that Pauly Shore wrote it. Then I would say, "Touche", find Pauly Shore and become his buddy.
- Ryan
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