AVA and BRIAN are staring at a wall. There are a bunch of little nail holes in the wall.
I misplaced my stud finder. So...I tried to improvise.
Well that clearly worked. Do you even own a stud finder? I mean, I've seen your tool box. You have like one tiny screwdriver, a tack hammer, one circular saw blade but no actual saw--
Duh, ninja star.
And one massive plumber's wrench that's literally too big to fit in our bathroom. What's up with that?
That's just me baby. I'm a handyman. I use my hands. I don't need a bunch of fancy tools to do a job.
AVA motions to the wall.
Really though? One extra tool would have been nice.
I'm a man's man Ava.
Who's man? Is his middle name Leslie and does he enjoy candle making, macrame, and Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman?
Say one bad thing about Jane Seymour.
I can't. But I can say that your fantasy is a little weird.
I'm very proud of my fantasies. They're very detailed and elaborate. And they have soundtracks to them.
Like Dr. Love by KISS?
Yes, exactly. So what if I'm Dr. Love and I do some "work" on Jane Seymour? I'm a doctor--
Of love.
--working on another doctor, who is simultaneously working on me. It's ironic!
And creepy.
That's the last fantasy I tell you about.
Whatever. Give me the hammer and a nail.
Why? Are you going to give it a go? No, that's perfect. This should be funny.
AVA puts her ear up to the wall while knocking on it with her hand. She quickly finds the stud and hammers the nail in.
Well what do you know? It looks like I found the stud...a real stud.
Brian looks thoroughly disappointed.
Okay. Now hand me the picture.
Brian hands Ava the picture and she hangs it up. It's a macramed picture of Ava and Brian.
At least it covers up the other holes.
Yeah...It looks really good.
Brian smiles passionately at Ava.
Thank you. I worked hard on--
No, I mean the hang job. It hangs nicely. It's symmetrical...I'm just kidding. You really do know how to macrame some...macrame.
Thanks. You know, when you say it out loud like that, it does sound kind of...lame.
BRIAN starts walking out of the room.
Where are you going?
To buy some power tools, some lumber. I don't know, maybe find a more masculine hobby.
Okay. Pick me up some tampons while you're out.
Pretty cute scene, I've only done one short script before, for a project, but it was a lot more detailed, and the dialog was too alike. I like how you can definitely sense the difference of character here. They are noticeably two distinctly different people, and not just because one actually knows how to hang a picture and one is more of an arts and crafts guy.
ReplyDeleteThank you. Yeah, I try not to get too in depth with descriptions. I've been told in the past to keep it simple. Thanks for the feedback. If you enjoyed reading this post, there are a few other "This Is So Us" posts you can read. Also, if you're into bizarre humor or are just looking for a quick laugh, read my other entries.
DeleteI agree with Jessica, pretty cute. Love the sarcastic humor. The dialogue and dynamics between the two characters feel very...natural.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much. I strive for comedy and for the dialogue to sound realistic. So, it makes me happy to know that you appreciate the humor. Thanks a bunch! Check out my other posts if you're looking for a laugh. There are a few other "This Is So Us" posts as well.