Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Another day, Another customer

A customer was leaving and he asked me, "Which way do I want to go out?" And I thought to myself, "I don't know bub. Which way do you want to go out?" Then I kindly said, "You can go out any way you want sir." Then I started to worry. I mean, I should have told him to go out any door that said exit. This guy obviously has a hard time finding his way around. Who knows, maybe he...

...decided to exit through a window, on the third floor.
...saw this old fireplace in my office and tried going up the chimney; which I'm pretty sure is closed off.
...rolled around in bubble wrap, boxed himself up but forgot to drop himself off at the mail room.
...tried to get a piggy back ride from a random stranger.
...got escorted out by a police officer; or carried out if he was still in a box.
...borrowed a jackhammer from a construction worker and jackhammered right through the floor into a steamy river of sewage.
...hopped into a trashcan and waited it out until trash day.
...pulled the fire alarm, screamed, "Fire!", then followed everyone else.
...borrowed the jackhammer again and screamed, "Earthquake!"
...creepily hid inside a baby stroller and got wheeled out.
...pretended to be blind and got assistance.
...closed his eyes, opened his eyes and found himself outside a.k.a. telekinesis. Then he heard the door shut behind him.

I saw the man again the very next day. He was dissheveled and his hair was all shellacked up.

Back again I see.

No. I never left.

What happened to your clothes?

I couldn't decide which way to leave. And I got all confuzzled. Somehow I ended up on the roof. So I tied my clothes together and tried climbing down. It turns out I need like thirty more articles of clothing to reach the bottom.

Yeah. That is some confuzzling stuff. How about I show you how to get the hell out of this place. I've been working here five years and I still haven't found my own way out.

The man and I shared some corny laughter. Then I showed him the exit....which was actually the ladies room. Yeah, half naked guy in the ladies room. I'm sure he found his way out.

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