Friday, October 14, 2011

Lying vs. Lying

I'd like to know the orgins of the saying, "Lying sack of shit." Maybe it was originally intended for a lazy, smelly bum who was just lying on the sidewalk. But, I guess the right word for that would be "laying". So it would have to be "laying sacks of shit"; like he was a brick layer but a sack of shit layer. But, who the hell has that kind of job anyway? Who the hell lays down sacks of shit? Farmers? Maybe. Either way, it sounds pretty shitty to me.

Then again, it was probably intended as the dishonest type of lying. Some guy could have gotten mad at some other guy for fibbing. And maybe he called him out on his chicanery and said, "You know what? You're a liar. You're a..." Then he spotted a sack full of shit on the ground and resumed with, "...sack of shit. That's right. You're just as sorry as a sack of shit."

What about a sack of shit that comes to life just like Frosty the Snowman? Sack O' Shitman. Therefore, he would be a dishonest, non-mobile, smelly sack of shit. That's just freaky and uncalled for. That's just gross. Who would think of such a thing?

I suppose that a "lying sack of shit" could just mean a "dirty liar"......No. I don't like that explanation at all. I'm going to side with whoever came up with the Sack O' Shitman idea.

- Ryan

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